Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Root Canal Treatment @ Klinik Dr Fauziah Melawati (Sakit gigi lepas bersalin)


Talk about tooth ache, it reminded me about my cracked tooth that I had during my confinement a while back. Crack tooth pain is no kidding! Like it was the worst thing after labour pain. Let's say labour pain score is beyond 10, tooth ache is literally 10/10. So I'm actually crying during the pain episode and became grumpy and pettish due to the pain. I scolded everyone and to tell ya'll the truth, that include my newborn (not proud).

 I had to ask my husband to bring me to dentist nearby cause I just can't withstand the pain anymore. But deep down inside I knew I couldn't just seeing a normal dentist, I mean this is Crack tooth we're talking, I need to see an endodontist! I called my regular dental clinic, Klinik Dr Fauziah just to found out that they were fully booked. I had no choice so I headed to dental clinic nearby my house. 
As what I expected, normal dentist offers no help cause the doctor can't seemed to solve the problem, so I asked for a painkiller just to buy me sometimes before I met the actual dentist! 

So, I made an appointment with my regular dental clinic, Klinik Dr Fauziah. I normally will see the one in Publika, but some of my preferred dentist will be in other branch ( either in Melawati or Chow Kit). Due to so much pain that I had before, I was determined have my that one  problematic tooth removed. But according to the dentist, there are other options that I can choose, which is I can do the root canal treatment (and trust me I knew about this other option and I just thought that it will be too expensive that I couldn't afford it)

CUT long story short, it turns out that it was not that expensive. Which is roughly RM 1600 for 3 sessions and RM1200 for Crowning and mind you that I think the endodontist is by far the best dentist I've ever met. So I had a 3 session with the endodontist, according to him, my tooth already been long dead because I don't react to the pain. I was first given an antibiotics to stop the infections, then was asked to come for the following week for following treatment. Total duration is 4 weeks, where you have to come once a week to do the treatment. 

Feel free to visit the website and make appointment. 

Dental Clinic : Klinik Pergigian Dr Fauziah
Website :
Total price : RM2800

Available branch in Publika, Menara Centra (near Chow Kit), and Taman Melawati 
I've been to those 3 clinics cause needed to find that particular dentist.
Just a few recommendations, I highly suggest to see Dr Nik Roslin Nik Sulaiman for the crowning session. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Pakej Bersalin di KPJ Tawakkal 2017


Today nak kongsi pakej bersalin yang ditawarkan oleh hospital Tawakkal dan pengalaman bersalin di hospital ini. 

Tarikh 6.12.2017, saya selamat melahirkan seorang bayi lelaki, dan saya mengambil pakej Single Room (2 days 1 night) berharga RM3999 dan memilih Dr Jaafar Yaakob as my obstetrician. Memang 1st and 2nd child ni saya menggunakan service Dr Jaafar. Pakej yang saya ambil ni adalah pakej basic (normal delivery, NO EPIDURAL, NO VACUUM, NO FORCEPS ) dan harga yang di offer ni adalah harga masa office hour. If kena admit after office hour harga jadi lain. 
Pakej ini cover:
1. Admission fee
2. Room charges (2 days, 1 night)- ada single room, 2 bedded and 4 bedded
3. Maternal and fetal monitoring during labour room
4. Consultant review 2x/day
5. Nursing care
6. Take home medication

for baby:
1. Baby vaccination - BCG, vit K, Hepatitis B
2. Neonatal screening (TSH, G6PD, blood group)
3. Baby examination by paediatrician
4. Newborn hearing screening 

Masa dah nak dekat bersalin better pergi for regular check up, so that kita and doktor tau baby progress. yela tiba2 last minute, baby songsang pulak, or ada any other complications, doktor boleh plan awal2. Atau kita pun boleh plan awal, macam deliver kat government hospital ke.... sebab lari budget. 
Masa saya kat labour room suami pun ada, Alhamdulillah, segalanya berjalan lancar. Right after baby keluar tu, nurse bersihkan dan terus letak atas badan mak, untuk breastfeed and skin to skin touch. Lepas tu baru nurse ambil baby and mandikan. Petang sikit baru dorang kasi baby balik. Doktor pun akan datang di ward dan check patient twice a day.  

Lepas bersalin, saya dihantar ke bilik. Walaupun bilik agak penuh, saya duduk dulu di sharing room. malam baru dapat single room. Nurse akan buat regular check up untuk kita, and ajar cara breastfeed. They are very helpful and experienced. Sebab amik bilik single room, so husband boleh tidur sekali. Dia tidur atas sofa je. 

Masa nak discharge tu agak lambat sikit. Maybe sebab semua org busy kot, tak cukup staff. Banyak jugak free gift dapat dari hospital. Dapat hamper Johnson& johnson tu, newborn set (swaddle, mitten, booties, cap, and baju baby from KPJ), diaper (biasa), cream untuk diaper rash , Seudocream (small size). 

Overall, puas hati dengan pakej ni, Tak kena charge lebih pun. and kalau parking pun dapat discount sebab inpatient.