This is the 3rd day of exam week and I feel like shit. I don't have proper bath, meals, social life, and sleep. Well that's normal I suppose. One thing I realized that, exam really motivated me, I don't know if others too. I mean in the sense of opening your stack of books and sitting 5 hours continuously on your not-so-comfortable chair, and ignoring your boyfriend's messages and calls. Really, the adrenaline rush is so helpful in the last minutes. Like u gelabah and baca2 semua masuk kan....compared like 2 weeks before exam, u study2 and satu apa pun tak masuk otak.
during exam weeks also, I noticed that, we tend to crave for Maggi. Maggi is like the BFF for students. U'll need it to the max especially during exam. why? because it's convenient, cost-effective and less time consuming. maybe if 1 packet of maggi is not enough, you can put 2 packets. that will do the tricks. forget the side effects for the time being... like high sodium content which is bad for our health and a lot of MSG inside. some said that it'll cause hair loss and what so ever... the point is, u can stop it as soon as u finish your freakin exam week. for me i was thinking of having steak right after this. yummy.
also, during exam I can see the true colors of all my classmate. it is so because, at this time only I can see them without make up and I can smell the real body odor ( diorang x mandi)... which I still can remember the smell, the eyes...the eyes look like they are the cousins of zombies and the hair, even pontianak tak mengaku sedara. and everyone seems so moody like u might think twice before say 'hi'.
And then the test finished, I remember it was Biopharmaceutics paper, and everyone came out looking so weak like they had undergo a chemotherapy treatment or something. No smile, only curse came out from the mouth. for me, I feel like I am so empty and I am the biggest loser you ever found in the this planet. I can't even name 1 structure compound and nothing that I read the day before came out. I mean ada ar sikit leh jawab, melampau arr kalau tak boleh jawab semua.... but still, about 60% i have no idea what is all about. i screwed so bad this time. Coming back, I didn't have the courage to eat, then
I straight away go to bed and having my sleeping beauty hoping to refuel myself for the next paper that is Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Yet, i am sleeping with pain....